Personalizziamo il tuo cappello!

Let's customize your hat!

Let's design your personalized and handmade hat together!

We will create it together, giving life to a unique and non-replicable accessory, the result of the combination between our vision and your personality, between the materials we offer and the symbols that reflect you.

Our passion is top hats, but we also work on other models such as fedoras, tricorn hats, bowler hats, fedoras, etc., strictly made in Italy and of excellent quality.

We can also customize one you already have.

We show you some of the decorative elements from which you can choose to create your unique and unrepeatable accessory:

Take a tour through the photos of the personalized hats that we have created for our customers and which are now around the world.

The price of your hat may vary depending on the craftsmanship required and the decorative elements used.

Contact us for information on customizations by writing an email to or sending a what's up message to +39 3486823005: we will be happy to design it with you!

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