The Lotus Flower

The Meaning of the Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower, also known as the Sacred Flower, Nile Rose, or Indian Flower, is an aquatic plant that blooms in muddy waters. This flower, originating from Asia, is told about in stories and legends from around the world. According to these legends, the flower is associated with deities, enlightenment, physical and mental well-being, and rebirth. In ancient Egypt, it was a symbol of rebirth, so much so that it appears in three different legends. In one of these, it is narrated how from the primordial chaos the Lotus Flower was born, from which the Sun originated.

The symbolism and interpretation of the Lotus Flower
In Buddhism and Hinduism, the Lotus Flower symbolizes spiritual elevation. Just like the flower that, despite sinking its roots in the mud, remains on the water's surface, pure and uncontaminated, so can man achieve bliss and purity by detaching from the world's evils and external conditioning. In Hinduism, it is also associated with female deities and symbolizes prosperity, fertility, eternal youth, and beauty. Each color of these flowers is also attributed its own symbolism.

White flowers flowers indicate spiritual perfection, purity of mind and soul. They are generally depicted with eight petals. The pink flower is generally associated with divine personalities, such as Buddha, and is particularly used during religious ceremonies. The blue flower indicates wisdom and knowledge, while the purple one is associated with mystics who, through meditative techniques, aim to achieve enlightenment. The red flower symbolizes the ability to love and feel compassion.

Other Symbolisms of the Sacred Flower

The golden-colored flower is associated with those who have achieved spiritual perfection. Furthermore, representing a Lotus Flower closed indicates the infinite possibilities to which man has access both from a spiritual and material point of view. The open flower, instead, symbolizes the creation of the entire cosmos.