
  • connected to the 4th Chakra (the Heart)

  • its Element is Earth, so it acts in the sphere of stability and well-being (peace, balance, fertility, money)

  • protects from negative energies, absorbs pollutants from the atmosphere and the body

  • transformation stone: encourages taking risks and change

  • extremely versatile healing stone. It is useful for pains and cramps (including menstrual ones) and facilitates childbirth: It is also called "the stone of the parturient".

  • treats arthritis, joint swelling, pancreas, and spleen. Stimulates the liver to eliminate toxins.

  • strengthens willpower, helping to look straight ahead without being tempted by distractions that only lead to problems

  • helps make quick and effective decisions

  • gives the courage to revolutionize one's life and eliminates all blocks that hinder personal progress.

  • prevents from being trapped by emotions and old traumas

  • stimulates thirst for knowledge, helps remove shyness, and gives confidence in good luck.

  • associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo and Scorpio